

教員氏名 Lorraine Reinbold(ロレイン レインボールド)
職名 教授
最終学歴・学位 Sophia University B.S. Business Administration, Columbia University Teachers College, M.A.in TESOL
専門分野 Business Administration/TESOL英語教育
学協会活動 TESOL, JALT全国語学教育学会、JASAL日本自律学習学会,JAPE
Reading Speed & Reading Comprehension: Department of English Education.白鷗大学教育学部論集、(Co-author) (2020) 14(2), 161-178.
Reinbold, L. (June 2018). Self-access centers and autonomous learning: Report on the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL) conference 2017. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 9(2), 90-99.
MEXT Guidelines and Revamping Our University EFL Reading Curriculum. Hakuoh University Faculty of Education, Journal (Co-author) (2018)(11)(4).
English Pronunciation: Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, and Accentedness. Hakuoh University Faculty of Education Journal (2017)11(1).
Faculty Development in a Private Japanese University. Proceedings of University of Hawaii and Hakuoh University Seminar on Educational Research and Practice (2013)
Review on Self-Access Centers in Asia: Case Studies 白鷗大学ビジネスレビュー (2010)
A Review of the Self-Access Learning Center: Its Importance and Benefits白鷗大学論集(2009)
Teaching Volunteering in a CB Reading Class for University Students,Tesol-Italy Perspectives (2007)
ほんもの英語はこうつかう,Bunka-sha: Tokyo (Co-author)(2006)
Japanese EFL Students: Levels of Directness in Making Requests, JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings(2005)
Ferris University Course Reader: Fall Textbook(2003); Spring Textbook (Co-author)(2003)
Japan Times Press (Co-author)(2002) 電話の英会話
PRESENTATIONS: Changing Student Participation through Debate. JALT全国語学教育学会 2016 (November 27, 2016)
Teaching Social Responsibility and Philanthropy: A Content-Based EFL Methodology, CELC Symposium, National University of Singapore (May 28, 2013)
Exploring SL Writing Methodology and Online Tools.全国語学教育学会 (2009)
A Rationale for the Use of Electronic Journal Exchanges in Writing Class. BERA-SIG, London (2009)
While linguistic ability is desirable, to become effective English speakers, students need to have pragmatic competence and use language in culturally and contextually appropriate ways. Various situations and social roles demand different uses of English; therefore, they should be given the information needed to assess a situation correctly and be equipped with the linguistic tools to respond appropriately.

Additional work experience: Through experience working on NHK national television as an assistant English teacher to Professor Tommy Uematsu and Yoji Tanabe, I became interested in making language learning "fun" while incorporating Nation's four equal strands: input, output, deliberate language study, and fluency development to enhance learning (2013).
TESOL (英語教育), Reading (リーディング), Learner Autonomy (学習者オートノミー), Content-based Curriculum (コンテンツベースのカリキュラム), NPO(Non-profit Organization)Management(非営利団体経営 & ボランティア活動), Philanthropy (慈善活動)

Today's students are facing social, economic, and environmental challenges due to accelerating changes in the world. However, these challenges also give them opportunities for advancement. Having the ability to communicate in English, the language that has become the vehicular language of international communication may enable them to discover and share solutions with people around the world. It is an advantage for students seeking a humanities degree in the 21st century to have English competence.

今の世の中の学生は、グローバル化の加速により、社会的、経済的、環境的な課題に直面しています。 しかし、これらの課題はまた、彼らに進歩の機会を与えます。 国際コミュニケーションの車両言語になった英語でコミュニケーションをとることができれば、世界中の人々と解決策を見つけて共有できるようになるかもしれません。 したがって、21世紀の人文科学の学位を求めている学生にとって、英語でコミュニケーションできることは利点です。

I have been volunteering as vice president of Kids Earth Fund for 30 years. By sharing my experiences, students are encouraged to think creatively and make meaningful contributions to society.
In the current world of constant change, at Hakuoh, we encourage you to develop a mindset for perpetual learning, which will enable you to thrive. Continuous learning is the "new normal."

English Study Skills 、卒業研究、課題研究、Speaking & Listening A、Reading & Vocabulary A・B、Basic Writing、Volunteering & Management