

教員氏名 DEVON ARTHURSON(デボン アーサーサン)
職名 講師
Arthurson, D. (in press). Using learners’ video recordings for skills development and assessments. Journal of Multilingual Pedagogy and Practice, 3, 21-33. Rikkyo University: Tokyo.

Sturges J. G., Arthurson, D., Koike, A. & Reid, S. (2023). What’s your opinion?: Interactive skills for effective discussion book I (3rd ed.). DTP Publishing Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-4-86211-810-3 C1082

Arthurson, D. (2022). Learners’ perspectives of using their video recordings to aid in performing assessments. Journal of Foreign Language Education and Research, 2, 37-51. ISSN 2436-0325.

Arthurson, D. (2022). An instructor’s experience with and students’ opinions about reflection journals. JALT, Teacher Development Special Interest Group. Explorations in Teacher Development, 28 (2). ISSN 2434-589X.

Kita, S., Sturges J. G., Arthurson, D. & Truxal, D. (2022). What’s your opinion?: Interactive skills for effective discussion book I (2nd ed.). DTP Publishing Co. Ltd. ISBN978-4-86211-790213-8259 C1082.

Arthurson, D. (2022). The effects of reconstructing reflection journals according to students’ recommendations. Journal of Multilingual Pedagogy and Practice, 2, 42-52. Rikkyo University: Tokyo. ISSN 2436-2204.

Arthurson, D. (2021). Students’ opinions about reflection journals. Journal of Foreign Language Education and Research, 2, 37-51. ISSN 2436-0325.

Arthurson, D. (2021). Students’ opinions about peer teaching. Journal of Multilingual Pedagogy and Practice, 1, 29-43. Rikkyo University: Tokyo. ISSN 2436-2204.

Arthurson, D. (2020). Goal setting through personal letter writing. Journal for Foreign Language and Research, 1, 17-29. Tokyo: Rikkyo University. ISSN 2436-0325.

Arthurson, D. (2020). Exploring instructor and student values through the seven teachings. The Journal Of Rikkyo University Language Center, 43, 35-44. ISSN 1344-8226.

In addition to 13 previous publications

Learning English requires active participation and engagement with peers. It is important to remember English is a tool and to use it proficiently, continuous practice is required. This practice could be small talk with classmates, watching and English YouTube video with subtitles, reading a blog in English, or sending a text. In class, remember it takes time to become comfortable with classmates’ English and the class structure. As an instructor, I try to create environments that are safe with a solid structure, so students can put more focus on language learning.

Fostering learner autonomy, peer- and self-feedback activities, peer-teaching, reflection, skills for life-long learning.

Be patient with yourself when learning English; however, give as much of yourself as possible when learning. Try to take your studies as practice for your future job. Be prepared, profession, and make connections with your classmates. If you need help with your studies, please ask me anytime.

Basic Writing、Communication Skills、 English Study Skills、Intermediate Writing、Reading & Vocabulary A・B、英語コミュニケーションⅠA・ⅠB/ⅡA・ⅡB