

教員氏名 Winn Luke(ウィン ルーク)
職名 講師
最終学歴・学位 レッディング大学 修士
専門分野 英語教育学
学協会活動 JALT
(単著) 宇都宮大学: What’s the Value of Written Feedback? (2019年秋)

(単著) The Language Teacher (JALT Publications): Questioning the Efficacy of Reading Storybooks to Very Young Japanese EFL Learners: A Vocabulary Study. (2021年秋)

(共著) 全国語学教育学会 第48回年次国際大会教材展示会(福岡): Collaborative Task-Based Seminar for High School Science Students. (2022年秋)

◆◆◆◆◆ その他 研究内容・学生へのメッセージ ◆◆◆◆◆

My main research interests are in vocabulary acquisition and retention. Last year I completed a small research project which studied the effects of using English language storybooks in the classroom with very young EFL learners. I'm interested to know whether storybooks are an effective resource in supporting vocabulary growth in young learners' English classroom. I'm also interested in the vocabulary acquisition of mature learners, and in particular the effect of extensive reading on learners'lexical development.

In addition, I'm interested in the debate on age effects in language learning, and research which aims to illustrate the qualitative differences between the language learning processes of adults and children.



Feedback on EFL Writing; Action research methodology; Action research as a tool for syllabus development

Hello, my name is Luke Winn and I'm from the UK. I have lived in Japan for quite a few years now, first in Aomori, then here in Tochigi. I am excited to teach you next year and I hope that you will enjoy my classes. I will try to provide you with as much active lesson material as possible because I would like to see your oral communication skills rise significantly throughout the year. Let's have a good time in class!

ハロー、私はイギリス出身のルーク ウィンです。もう日本にすんで何年にもなりますが、最初は青森そして栃木。
