

教員氏名 Michael STOUT(マイケル スタウト)
職名 講師
最終学歴・学位 テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス 修士号 (TESOL)
専門分野 TESOL
学協会活動 全国語学教育学会 (NPO JALT)
Stout, M. (2003). Not guilty as charged: Do the university entrance exams in Japan affect what is taught? ETJ Journal, 4 (1) Spring, pp. 1-7.
Heilman, J. & Stout, M. (2005). Putting Projects into Practice. In K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.) JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. Pp. 587-591
Stout, M. (2008) Research into second language learning motivation in Japan. Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University. 16, March. pp. 35-46.
Stout, M. & Murray, A. (2008). Blogging to Learn: A report on two blog projects in Japan.In K. Bradford-Watts (Ed.), JALT2007 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. Pp. 755-760.
Stout, M. (2010). Web 2.0 and mixed ability ELT classes in Japan: Challenges and possibilities. Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University. 18, March. pp. 247-257.
Talandis Jr. G., Taylor, C., Beck, D., Omura, K., Stout, M. (2011). The stamp of approval: Motivating students towards independent learning. Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen
University. 19, March. pp. 165-182.
Stout, M. & Yamauchi, M. (2012). Researching ICT integration in EFL Classrooms. The Language Teacher. 36.3. May/June. Tokyo: JALT pp. 38-40.
Stout, M. (2014) Exploring challenges to ICT integration in Japanese EFL classrooms. Studies in Foreign Language Education. 35, March. pp.1-10.
Talandis Jr., G. & Stout, M. (2015). Getting EFL students to speak: An action research approach. English Language Teaching Journal. 69(1). pp.11-25. doi: 10.1093/elt/ccu037
Talandis Jr., G. & Stout, M. (2015). Toward new understandings: Reflections on an action research project with Japanese university students. In Simon Borg and Hugo Santiago Sanchez (Eds). International perspectives on teacher research. pp. 14-28. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stout, M. (2018). Reading circles in the English language learning classroom. Studies in Foreign Language Education. 40, March, pp.49-59.

◆◆◆◆◆ その他 研究内容・学生へのメッセージ ◆◆◆◆◆


My research interests include Reflective Practice (especially action research), TBLT, CALL, pragmatics and testing.
