UVic 担当アドバイザー
Stephanie Yuuko Iso
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UVic 担当アドバイザー
Stephanie Yuuko Iso
Welcome back after three months abroad! You did it! I hope it was an experience that you will cherish forever as a fond memory of your Hakuoh University life. You have successfully lived in a foreign culture, and are now back, the better for having done so.
You have grown so much in three months. Through your weekly reports, I could feel some positive changes as you lived your life abroad. Some of you had a difficult time answering simple questions from your host family in the beginning, but continued to make an effort and slowly overcame your fears. Some of you made friends from other countries and though struggling to communicate, found ways to do so. Some of you had problems trying to keep up in class, but you did not give up. The development of your ability to overcome your struggles by taking responsibility for your life has become a real asset for you to use in the future.
By going abroad you have learned to adapt to the many different types of culture that you were faced with, which included classroom culture, host family culture, and the culture of Canada or the U.S. You have learned to communicate and enjoy being with people who have different values, and have learned to respect one another. These are all important cultural awareness abilities that you have acquired or improved upon by studying abroad, another asset that you have earned for yourself. Yes, you have grown up and gained a lot in three months. I feel it, and I hope that you do, too. Thank you for allowing me to share in your experiences and growth through your weekly reports.
Use the confidence and the assets that you have gained from your life abroad to your advantage. Do not lose that confidence, but remain humble, and continue to push yourself to experience and learn more. Never underestimate your abilities. Know that you can do anything if you work hard, just as you did while studying abroad.
Soon you will be busy looking for employment opportunities for after graduation. Good luck as you finish up your university days and make final preparations to begin a new phase of your life!