

教員氏名 古瀬 一隆(フルセ カズタカ)
職名 経営学研究科長・教授
最終学歴・学位 筑波大学大学院・博士(工学)
専門分野 データサイエンス、データ工学、データベースシステム
学協会活動 IEEE Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery, 日本データベース学会

Hina Suzuki, Hanxiong Chen, Kazutaka Furuse and Toshiyuki Amagasa. Dense Nearest Neighborhood Query, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Applications, Oct. 2021.
Hayata Takagi, Hanxiong Chen, Kazutaka Furuse and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. Aggregate Nearest Neighborhood Queries, Proceedings of the Future of Information and Communication Conference, Apr. 2021.
Yasuyuki Kato, Hanxiong Chen, Kazutaka Furuse and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. Unifying Spatial Keyword Indexing in Continuous Search on Dynamic Objects, Proceedings of the Future of Information and Communication Conference, Apr. 2021.
Yuyang Dong, Hanxiong Chen, Kazutaka Furuse and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. Bound-and-Filter Framework for Aggregate Reverse Rank Queries, Transactions on Large Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems, pp. 1--26, Nov. 2018.
Yuyang Dong, Hanxiong Chen, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Kazutaka Furuse and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. Weighted Aggregate Reverse Rank Queries, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms ans Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1--23, Aug. 2018.
Yuyang Dong, Hanxiong Chen, Kazutaka Furuse and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. Aggregate Reverse Rank Queries, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, pp. 87--101, Porto, Portugal, Sep. 2016.
Kazutaka Furuse, Hiroaki Ohmura, Hanxiong Chen, and Hiroyuki Kitagawa. An Extended Method for Finding Related Web Pages with Focused Crawling Techniques, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6882, pp. 21--30, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Sep. 2011.
山口和紀, 古瀬一隆, 中村敦司, 新城靖, 西山博泰, 金谷英信, 林謙一, 鈴木孝幸, 端山貴也. 新The UNIX Super Text 改訂増補版, 技術評論社, Dec. 2003.
古瀬一隆, 石川雅弘, 陳漢雄, 大保信夫. 次元数のばらつきに対応した一般射影クラスタリング, 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, Vol. 43, No. SIG2(TOD13). pp. 193--202, Mar. 2002.

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